Original meaning

Results: 93

11Translation / Envelope / Certified copy / Technology / Writing / Law / Postal system / Communication / Meaning

Additional Translations Additional translation copies requested at the time of the original service cost $20.00 each. Each additional certified copy requested after the translation has been completed costs $30.00 each up

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Source URL: www.jsilny.com

Language: English - Date: 2015-03-20 18:26:15
12Star Trek fandom / Star Trek films / Fandom / Trekkie / Vulcan / Star Trek: The Original Series / Spock / Pragmatism / Sexuality in Star Trek / Star Trek / Film / Science fiction

. Volume 8, Issue 2 NovemberPragmatism and Meaning: Assessing the Message of

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Source URL: www.participations.org

Language: English - Date: 2011-11-22 16:47:32
13Political philosophy / Originalism / Living Constitution / Original meaning / Original intent / Constitutionalism / Stare decisis / Judicial interpretation / Constitution / Philosophy of law / Law / Philosophy

Microsoft Word - Balkin.docx

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Source URL: illinoislawreview.org

Language: English - Date: 2012-05-28 23:09:49
14Philosophy of language / Analytic philosophy / Science / Philosophical logic / Social philosophy / Originalism / Original meaning / Original intent / Constitutionalism / Philosophy / Philosophy of law / Meaning

MEANING, THEORY AND THE INTERPRETATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL GRANTS OF POWER MICHAEL STOKES* The High Court has often interpreted grants of power by determining the essential meaning of the terms in which the grants are form

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Source URL: www.law.monash.edu

Language: English - Date: 2014-02-27 18:00:17
15United States Constitution / Conservatism in North America / Supreme Court of the United States / Originalism / Constitutional law / Living Constitution / Original meaning / Original intent / Randy Barnett / Philosophy of law / Conservatism in the United States / Law

Originalism and the Rule of the Dead Joel Alicea T

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Source URL: www.nationalaffairs.com

Language: English - Date: 2015-03-19 13:40:48
16Law / United States Constitution / Originalism / Supreme Court of the United States / Living Constitution / Original meaning / Original intent / Jack Balkin / Clarence Thomas / Conservatism in the United States / Conservatism in North America / Philosophy of law

ORIGINALISM’S RACE PROBLEM JAMAL GREENE† I was surprised to learn recently, from Ron Chernow’s illuminating biography, that George Washington’s teeth might have been pulled from the mouths of his slaves.1 I suppo

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Source URL: www.law.du.edu

Language: English - Date: 2011-09-17 17:52:24
17Continental philosophy / Philosophical movements / Philosophers of science / Edmund Husserl / Phenomenological sociology / Cartesian Meditations / Epoché / Intentionality / Phenomenological description / Philosophy / Phenomenology / Phenomenologists

From David Woodruff Smith and Ronald McIntyre, Husserl and Intentionality: A Study of Mind, Meaning, and Language (Dordrecht and Boston: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1982), Chapter III, §1.2, pp[removed]Original page numb

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Source URL: topologicalmedialab.net

Language: English - Date: 2011-11-28 21:54:45
18Political corruption / Law / Ethics / Republicanism / Originalism / Corruption / Rule of law / Original meaning / Philosophy of law / Political philosophy / Abuse

\\server05\productn\C\CRN\94-2\CRN202.txt unknown Seq: 1

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Source URL: www.lawschool.cornell.edu

Language: English - Date: 2011-07-17 13:03:51
19Constitutional law / Government / United States Constitution / Originalism / Supreme Court of the United States / Strict constructionism / Constitutionalism / Original meaning / Robert Bork / Law / Philosophy of law / Conservatism in the United States

The Framers’ Constitution: Toward a Theory of Principled Constitutionalism By Geoffrey R. Stone and William P. Marshall September[removed]All expressions of opinion are those of the author or authors.

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Source URL: www.acslaw.org

Language: English - Date: 2011-09-12 13:43:40
20Conservatism in the United States / Originalism / Supreme Court of the United States / Living Constitution / Original meaning / Constitution / Jack Balkin / Legitimacy / Common law / Law / Philosophy of law / United States Constitution

Microsoft Word - Strauss - EE-Read - Final.doc

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Source URL: cdn.harvardlawreview.org

Language: English - Date: 2014-03-26 10:53:18